F. Safi Samghabadi, J. Marfai,
C. Cueva, M. Shafiei Aporvavi,
P. Neill, M. Chabi,
R. M. Robertson-Anderson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Phage probes
couple to DNA relaxation dynamcis to reveal
universal behavior across scales and
regimes.” Soft Matter Advance Article
(2025). [DOI]
P. Edimeh, A. H. Slim,
and J. C. Conrad†, “Dynamics
of nanoparticle tracers in supercooled nanoparticle
matrices.” Soft Matter Advance
(2025). [DOI]
C. O. Solano-Cabrera, P. Castro-Villarreal,
R. E. Moctezuma, F. Donado, J. C. Conrad, and
R. Castañeda-Priego†,
“Self-assembly and transport properties of
colloids: confinement and geometrical
effects.” Annual Review of Condensed
Matter Physics Early Publication
(2025). [DOI]
S. B. Kotkar, R. Poling-Skutvik, M. P. Howard,
A. Nikoubashman, J. C. Conrad,† and
J. C. Palmer,† “Dynamics of
nanoparticles in solutions of semiflexible ring
polymers.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B128, 12586–12596
(2024). [DOI]
F. Safi Samghabadi, S. Ramezani
Bajgiran, M. Villegas Orellana,
J. C. Conrad,† and
A. B. Marciel†, “Charge state
of weak polyelectrolyte brushes determines
salt-dependent swelling and hysteretic
behavior.” ACS Macro
Letters13, 1570–1576
(2024). [DOI]
U. Ramesh Kumar,
N. T. Nguyen, N. K. Dewangan,
S. G. Mohiuddin, M. A. Orman,
P. C. Cirino,† and
J. C. Conrad†, “Co-expression
ofo type 1 fimbriae and flagella in Escherichia
coli: consequences for adhesion at
interfaces.” Soft
7397–7404 (2024). [DOI]
R. Kumar,†A. H. Slim,
A. Faraone, J.-M. Carrillo, R. Poling-Skutvik,
M. Muthukumar, A. B. Marciel, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Pivotal role
of triple screening — topological,
electrostatic, and hydrodynamic — on dynamics
in semi-dilute polymer solutions.” Macromolecules57,
(2024). [DOI]
G. Chen, M. J. Gallegos, D. D. Soetrisno,
P. G. Vekilov,† and
J. C. Conrad†, “A minimal
colloid model of solution crystallization nucleates
crystals classically.” Soft
Matter20, 2575–2583
(2024). [DOI]
W. Darko, D. Mangal, J. C. Conrad,
and J. C. Palmer†, “Particle
dispersion through porous media with heterogeneous
attractions.” Soft
Matter20, 837–847
(2024). [DOI]
D. D. Soetrisno,
C. V. Martínez
Narváez, M. J. Gallegos,
V. Sharma†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Pinching
dynamics and extensional rheology of dense colloidal
suspensions with depletion
attractions.” Journal of
Rheology68, 99–112
(2024). [DOI]
S. Ramezani
Bajgiran, F. Safi Samghabadi,
S. Li, J. C. Conrad†, and
A. B. Marciel†, “Effects of
ionizable monomer fraction on the swelling behavior
of weak polyelectrolyte
brushes.” Macromolecules56,
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
S. B. Kotkar, M. P. Howard,
A. Nikoubashman, J. C. Conrad†,
R. Poling-Skutvik†, and
J. C. Palmer†, “Confined
dynamics in spherical polymer
brushes.” ACS Macro Lett.12, 1503–1509 (2023). [DOI] [PDF]
D. D. Soetrisno,
C. V. Martínez Narváez,
V. Sharma†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Concentration
regimes for extensional relaxation times of
unentangled polymer
solutions.” Macromolecules56,4919–4928
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
D. Fan, S. Ramezani
Bajgiran, F. Safi Samghabadi,
C. Dutta, E. Gillett,
P. J. Rossky†,
J. C. Conrad†,
A. B. Marciel†, and
C. F. Landes†, “Imaging
heterogeneous 3D dynamics of individual solutes in a
polyelectrolyte brush.” Langmuir39, 8532–8539 (2023). [DOI] [PDF]
X. Yuan, H. W. Hatch†,
J. C. Conrad†,
A. B. Marciel†, and
J. C. Palmer†, “pH response
of sequence-controlled polyampholyte
brushes.” Soft
Matter19, 4333–4344
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
M. J. Gallegos, D. D. Soetrisno, F. Safi
Samghabadi, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Effects of
polymer molecular weight on structure and dynamics
of colloid-polymer bridging
systems.” J. Phys. Chem. B127,
(2023). [DOI]
D. Parisi†,
D. Truzzolillo†, A. H. Slim,
P. Dieudonné-George, S. Narayanan, J. C. Conrad,
V. D. Deepak, M. Gauthier, and D. Vlassopoulos,
“Gelation and re-entrance in mixtures of soft
colloids and linear polymers of equal
size.” Macromolecules56, 1818–1827
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
A. Esmaeilniakooshkghazi, E. Pham, S. P. George,
A. Ahrorov, F. R. Villagomez, M. Byington,
S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Patnaik, J. C. Conrad, M. Naik,
S. Ravi, N. Tebbutt, J. Mooi, C. M. Reehorst,
J. M. Mariadason, and S. Khurana†,
“In colon cancer cells fascin1 regulates
adherens junction remodeling.” FASEB
Journal37, e22786
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
J. C. Conrad† and
M. L. Robertson†, “Shaping
the structure and response of surface-grafted
polymer brushes via the molecular weight
distribution.” JACS Au3, 333–343,
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
R. C. Roberts,
J. C. Palmer†, and
J. C. Conrad†,
“Long-wavelength fluctuations in quasi-2D
supercooled liquids.” Journal of Physical
Chemistry B127, 961–969
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
G. Singh, M. A. Orman, J. C. Conrad, and
M. Nikolaou†, “Systematic
design of pulse dosing to eradicate persister
bacteria.” PLoS Computational Biology19, e1010243
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
M. Chabi, B. Vu,
K. Brosamer, M. Smith, D. Chavan,
J. C. Conrad†,
R. C. Willson†, and
K. Kourentzi†,
“Smartphone-read phage lateral flow assay for
point-of-care detection of
infection.” Analyst148,
(2023). [DOI]
F. Khakzad, N. K. Dewangan, T.-H. Li, F. Safi
Samghabadi, R. Herrera Monegro,
M. L. Robertson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Fouling
resistance and release properties of
poly(sulfobetaine) brushes with varying alkyl chain
spacer lengths and molecular weights.” ACS
Applied Materials &
Interfaces15, 2009–2019
(2023). [DOI] [PDF]
F. Safi
Samghabadi, A. H. Slim, M. W. Smith, M. Chabi,
and J. C. Conrad†, “Dynamics
of filamentous viruses in polyelectrolyte
solutions.” Macromolecules55,
(2022). [DOI] [PDF]
M. J. Gallegos, D. D. Soetrisno, N. Park,
and J. C. Conrad†,
“Aggregation and gelation in a tunable aqueous
colloid-polymer bridging system.” Journal
of Chemical Physics157,
(2022). [DOI] [PDF]
T. Shende, D. Mangal, J. C. Conrad,
V. Niasar, and M. Babaei†,
“Nanoparticle transport within non-Newtonian
fluid flow in porous media.” Physical
Review E106, 015103
(2022). [DOI] [PDF]
A. H. Slim,
W. H. Shi, F. Safi Samghabadi,
A. Faraone, A. B. Marciel†,
R. Poling-Skutvik†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Electrostatic
repulsion slows relaxations of polyelectrolytes in
semidilute solutions.” ACS Macro
Letters11, 854–860
(2022). [DOI] [PDF]
D. Mangal,
J. C. Palmer†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Nanoparticle
dispersion in porous media: Effects of attractive particle-media interactions.” Physical
Review E105, 055102
(2022). [DOI] [PDF]
T.-H. Li,
M. L. Robertson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Molecular
weight and dispersity affect chain conformation and
pH-response in weak polyelectrolyte
brushes.” Polymer
Chemistry12, 6737–6744
(2021). [DOI] [PDF]
R. D. Sosa, J. C. Conrad, M. A. Reynolds, and
J. D. Rimer†, “Suppressing
barite crystallization with organophosphorus
compounds.” CrystEngComm23,
(2021). [DOI] [PDF]
N. K. Dewangan, N. Tran, J. Wang-Reed, and J. C. Conrad†,
“Bacterial aggregation assisted by anionic surfactant and calcium ions.” Soft Matter17, 8474–8482 (2021). [DOI] [PDF]
R. D. Sosa, X. Geng, J. C. Conrad, M. A. Reynolds,
and J. C. Rimer†,
“Suppressing barium sulfate crystallization
with hydroxycitrate: A dual nucleation and growth
inhibitor.” Chemistry of
Materials, 33, 6997–7007
(2021). [DOI] [PDF]
S. Dhamane, U. Patel, M. Smith,
M. Adhikari, A. Nazem, J. C. Conrad, K. Kourentzi,
and R. C. Willson†,
“Isocratic reporter-exclusion immunoassay
using restricted-access
adsorbents.” Analyst146 4835–4840
(2021). [DOI] [PDF]
D. Mangal,
J. C. Palmer†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Nanoparticle
dispersion in porous media: Effects of array
geometry and flow orientation.” Physical
Review E104, 015102
(2021). [DOI] [PDF]
M. Smith, R. Poling-Skutvik,
A. H. Slim,
R. C. Willson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Dynamics of
flexible viruses in polymer
solutions.” Macromolecules54,
(2021). [DOI]
R. Chen,
S. B. Kotkar, R. Poling-Skutvik,
M. P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman,
J. C. Conrad†, and
J. C. Palmer†, “Nanoparticle
dynamics in semidilute polymer solutions: rings
versus linear chains.” Journal of
Rheology65, 745–755 (2021). [DOI]
X. Geng, R. D. Sosa,
M. A. Reynolds†,
J. C. Conrad†, and
J. D. Rimer†, “Alginate as a
dual inhibitor of barite nucleation and crystal
growth.” Molecular Systems Design &
Engineering6, 508–519
(2021). [DOI]
T.-H. Li, V. Yadav,
J. C. Conrad†, and
M. L. Robertson†, “Effect of
dispersity on the conformation of spherical polymer
brushes.” ACS Macro
Letters10, 518–524
(2021). [DOI]
G. C. L. Wong†, J. D. Antani,
P. P. Lele, J. Chen, B. Nan, M. J. Kühn,
A. Persat, J.-L. Bru, N. M. Høyland-Kroghsbo,
A. Siryaporn, J. C. Conrad, F. Carrara, Y. Yawata,
R. Stocker, Y. Brun, G. B. Whitfield, C. K. Lee, J. de
Anda, W. C. Schmidt, R. Golestanian,
G. A. OToole, K. A. Floyd, F. H. Yildiz,
S. Yang, F. Jin, M. Toyofuku, L. Eberl, N. Nobuhiko,
L. A. Zacharoff, M. Y. El-Naggar, S. E. Yalcin,
N. S. Malvankar, M. D. Rojas-Andrade, A. I. Hochbaum,
J. Yan, H. A. Stone, N. S. Wingreen, B. L. Bassler,
Y. Wu, H. Xu, K. Drescher, and J. Dunkel,
“Roadmap on emerging concepts in the physical
biology of bacterial biofilms: from surface sensing to
community formation.” Physical Biology18 051501 (2021). [DOI] [PDF]
D. Mangal,
J. C. Conrad†, and
J. C. Palmer†, “Nanoparticle
dispersion in porous media: effects of hydrodynamic
interactions and dimensionality.” AIChE
Journal67, e17147
(2021). [DOI]
R. D. Sosa, X. Geng, A. Agarwal, J. C. Palmer,
J. C. Conrad†,
M. A. Reynolds†, and
J. D. Rimer†, “Acidic
polysaccharides as green alternative for barite
scale dissolution.” ACS Applied Materials
& Interfaces12,
(2020). [DOI]
N. K. Dewangan and J. C.
Conrad†, “Bacterial motility
enhances adhesion to oil droplets.” Soft
Matter16, 8237–8244 (2020). [DOI] [PDF]
J. C. Conrad†, “Biophysical
methods to quantify bacterial behaviors at oil-water
interfaces.” Journal of Industrial
Microbiology and Biotechnology47, 725–738
(2020). [DOI] [PDF]
A. H. Slim, R. Poling-Skutvik,
and J. C. Conrad†, “Local
confinement controls diffusive nanoparticle dynamics
in semidilute polyelectrolyte
solutions.” Langmuir36 9153–9159
(2020). [DOI] [PDF]
J. C. Conrad† and
T. R. Lee†, “Manuscript
titles: How to capture readers and enhance
citations.” ACS Applied Nano
Materials3, 3962–3963
(2020). [DOI] [PDF]
D. Chavan, H. Chen, M. Crum,
B. Vu, M. Safari, M. Smith,
P. Vekilov, J. C. Conrad, K. Kourentzi, and
R. C. Willson†, “Neutral
DNA–avidin nanoparticles as ultrasensitive reporters
immuno-PCR.” Analyst145,
(2020). [DOI] [PDF]
R. C. Roberts, N. Marioni, J. C.
Palmer†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Dynamics of
polydisperse hard-spheres under strong
confinement.” Molecular
Physics118, e1728407
(2020). [DOI] [PDF]
N. K. Dewangan and
J. C. Conrad†, “Rotating oil
droplets driven by motile bacteria at
interfaces.” Soft
Matter15, 917–922
(2019). [DOI] [PDF]
R. C. Roberts, R. Poling-Skutvik,
J. C. Conrad†, and
J. C. Palmer†, “Tracer
transport in attractive and repulsive supercooled
liquids and glasses.” J. Chem. Phys.10, 1784–1789 (2019). [DOI] [PDF]
R. Poling-Skutvik, A. H. Slim,
S. Narayanan, J. C. Conrad†, and
R. Krishnamoorti†, “Soft
interactions modify the dynamics of polymer-grafted
nanoparticles in solutions of free
polymer.” ACS Macro Lett.8, 917–922 (2019). [DOI] [PDF]
N. Park, V. Rathee, D. L. Blair,
and J. C. Conrad†, “Contact
networks enhance shear thickening in attractive
mixtures.” Phys. Rev. Lett.122,
(2019). [DOI]
J. C. Conrad† and M. L.
Robertson†, “Towards
mimicking biological function with responsive
surface-grafted polymer
brushes.” Curr. Opin. Solid State
Mater. Sci.23, 1–12
(2019). [DOI]
R. Poling-Skutvik, R. C. Roberts, A. H. Slim,
S. Narayanan, R. Krishnamoorti,
J. C. Palmer†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Structure
dominates localization of tracers within aging
glasses.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.10,
(2019). [DOI]
R. D. Sosa, X. Geng, M. A. Reynolds,
J. D. Rimer†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “A microfluidic approach for probing hydrodynamic effects in barite scale formation.” Lab Chip19, 1534”1544 (2019). [DOI] [PDF]
M. S. Safari, Z. Wang, K. Tailor,
A. B. Kolomeisky†,
J. C. Conrad†, and
P. G. Vekilov†,
“Anomalous dense liquid condensates host the nucleation of tumor suppressor P53 fibrils.” iScience12, 342–355
(2019). [DOI]
R. Chen, R. Poling-Skutvik,
M. P. Howard, A. Nikoubashman, S. A. Egorov,
J. C. Conrad, and J. C. Palmer†,
“Influence of polymer flexibility on
nanoparticle dynamics in semidilute
solutions.” Soft Matter15, 1260–1268
(2019). [DOI]
N. K. Dewangan and
J. C. Conrad†, “Adhesion
of Marinobacter hydrocarbonoclasticus to
surfactant-decorated dodecane
droplets.” Langmuir34, 14012–14021
(2018). [DOI] [PDF]
R. C. Roberts, R. Poling-Skutvik,
J. C. Palmer†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Tracer
transport probes relaxation and structure of
attractive and repulsive glassy
liquids.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.9,
(2018). [DOI]
V. Yadav, N. Hashmi,
W. Ding, T.-H. Li, M. Mahanthappa,
J. C. Conrad†, and
M. L. Robertson†, “Dispersity
control in atom transfer radical polymerizations
through addition of phenyl
hydrazine.” Polym. Chem.9,
(2018). [DOI]
Featured on
the inside
of the September 7, 2018 issue.
N. Park, E. J. Umanzor, and J. C. Conrad†,
“Aqueous colloid + polymer depletion system
for confocal microscopy and
rheology.” Front. Phys.6,
42 (2018). [DOI]
J. C. Conrad†
and R. Poling-Skutvik,
“Confined flow: Consequences and implications
for bacteria and
biofilms.” Annu. Rev. Chem. Biomol. Eng.9 175–200 (2018). [DOI]
R. Chen*, R. Poling-Skutvik*,
A. Nikoubashman, M. P. Howard, J. C. Conrad, and
J. C. Palmer†, “Coupling of
nanoparticle dynamics to polymer center-of-mass
motion in semidilute polymer
solutions.” Macromolecules51,
(2018). [DOI]
R. Poling-Skutvik, J. Lee,
S. Narayanan, R. Krishnamoorti†,
and J. C. Conrad†, “Tunable
assembly of gold nanorods in polymer solutions to
generate controlled nanostructured
materials.” ACS Appl. Nano
Mater.1, 877–885
(2018). [DOI] [PDF]
R. B. McLay, H. N. Nguyen,
Y. A. Jaimes-Lizcano, N. K. Dewangan,
S. Alexandrova, D. F. Rodrigues,
P. C. Cirino†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Level of
fimbriation alters the adhesion of Escherichia coli
bacteria to interfaces.” Langmuir34, 1133–1142
(2018). [DOI]
Invited contribution to “Early Career
Authors in Fundamental Colloid and Interface
Science” issue (2018)
co-written by JCC (with Noshir Pesika and Dan
V. Yadav, Y. A. Jaimes-Lizcano, N. K. Dewangan, N. Park, T.-H. Li,
M. L. Robertson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Tuning
bacterial attachment and detachment via the
thickness and dispersity of a pH-responsive polymer
brush.” ACS
Appl. Mater. Interfaces9,
(2017). [DOI]
M. S. Safari, M. C. Byington,
J. C. Conrad†, and
P. G. Vekilov†, “Polymorphism
of lysozyme condensates.” J. Phys. Chem. B121, 9091–9101 (2017). [DOI] [PDF]
R. Poling-Skutvik, K. N. Olafson,
S. Narayanan, L. Stingaciu, A. Faraone,
J. C. Conrad†, and
R. Krishnamoorti†, “Confined
dynamics of grafted polymer chains in solutions of
linear polymer.” Macromolecules50, 7372–7379 (2017). [DOI]
J. D. C. Jacob,
R. Krishnamoorti†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Particle
dispersion in porous media: Differentiating effects
of geometry and fluid
rheology.” Phys. Rev. E96,
022610 (2017). [DOI]
M. S. Safari, R. Poling-Skutvik,
P. G. Vekilov†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Differential
dynamic microscopy of bidisperse colloidal
suspensions.” NPJ
Microgravity3, 21
(2017). [DOI]
N. Park and
J. C. Conrad†, “Phase
behavior of colloid-polymer depletion mixtures with
unary or binary depletants.” Soft Matter13, 2781–2792
(2017). [DOI]
Correction (Figures 3 and 4 were missing lines
and had an incorrect axis
label). [DOI]
J. Kim, B. Vu, K. Kourentzi,
R. C. Willson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Increasing
binding efficiency via reporter shape and flux in a
viral nanoparticle lateral-flow
assay.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces9, 6878–6884 (2017).
M. C. Byington, M. S. Safari,
J. C. Conrad†, and
P. G. Vekilov†, “Shear flow
suppresses the volume of the nucleation precursor
clusters in lysozyme
solutions.” J. Cryst. Growth468,
493–501 (2017). [DOI]
J. Kim, R. Poling-Skutvik,
J. R. C. Trabuco, K. Kourentzi, R. C. Willson, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Orientational
binding modes of reporters in a viral-nanoparticle
assay.” Analyst142,
55–64 (2017). [DOI]
Designated a HOT article and featured on
the cover
of Issue 1, 2017.
F. Babayekhorasani, D. E. Dunstan,
R. Krishnamoorti†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Nanoparticle
diffusion in crowded and confined
media.” Soft
Matter12, 8407–8416
(2016). [DOI]
R. Poling-Skutvik,
K. I. S. Mongcopa, A. Faraone, S. Narayanan,
J. C. Conrad†, and
R. Krishnamoorti†, “Structure
and dynamics of interacting nanoparticles in
semidilute polymer
solutions.” Macromolecules49,
(2016). [DOI]
M. C. Byington, M. S. Safari,
J. C. Conrad†, and
P. G. Vekilov†, “Protein
conformational flexibility enables the formation of
dense liquid clusters: tests using solution
shear.” J. Phys. Chem. Lett.7,
(2016). [DOI]
F. Babayekhorasani, D. E. Dunstan,
R. Krishnamoorti†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Nanoparticle
dispersion in disordered porous media with and
without polymer additives.” Soft
Matter12, 5676–5683
(2016). [DOI]
S. Sharma*,
Y. A. Jaimes-Lizcano*, R. B. McLay,
P. C. Cirino, and J. C. Conrad†,
“Sub-nanometric roughness affects deposition
and mobile adhesion of Escherichia coli on
silanized glass
surfaces.” Langmuir32,
(2016). [DOI]
H. Chen,
A. E. V. Hagström, J. Kim,
G. Garvey, A. Paterson, F. Ruiz-Ruiz, B. Raja,
U. Strych, M. Rito-Palomares, K. Kourentzi,
J. C. Conrad, R. L. Atmar, and
R. C. Wilson†, “Flotation
immunoassay: masking the signal from free reporters
in sandwich immunoassays.” Sci. Rep.6, 24297
(2016). [DOI] [PDF]
V. Yadav, A. V. Harkin,
M. L. Robertson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Hysteretic
memory in pH-response of water contact angle on
poly(acrylic acid) brushes.” Soft
Matter12, 3589–3599
(2016). [DOI] [PDF]
R. Pandey and
J. C. Conrad†, “Gelation in
mixtures of polymers and bidisperse
colloids.” Phys. Rev. E93,
(2016). [DOI] [PDF]
L. Ni, S. Yang, R. Zhang, Z. Jin, H. Chen,
J. C. Conrad†, and
F. Jin†, “Bacteria
differently deploy type-IV pili on surfaces to adapt
to nutrient availability.” NPJ Biofilms
Microbiomes2, 15029 (2016).
M. Adhikari, U. Strych, J. Kim,
H. Goux, S. Dhamane, M.-V. Poongavanam,
A. E. V. Hagström, K. Kourentzi, J. C. Conrad,
and R. C. Willson†,
“Aptamer-phage reporters for ultrasensitive
lateral flow assays.” Anal. Chem.87, 11660–11665
(2015). [DOI] [PDF]
M. S. Safari,
M. A. Vorontsova, R. Poling-Skutvik,
P. G. Vekilov†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Differential
dynamic microscopy of weakly scattering and
polydisperse protein-rich
clusters.” Phys. Rev.
E92, 042712
(2015). [DOI]
R. Poling-Skutvik, R. Krishnamoorti†, and
J. C. Conrad†,
“Size-dependent dynamics of nanoparticles in
unentangled polyelectrolyte
solutions.” ACS Macro
Lett.4, 1169–1173
(2015). [DOI]
J. D. C. Jacob, K. He,
R. Krishnamoorti†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Diffusive
dynamics of nanoparticles in ultra-confined
media.” Soft Matter11,
(2015). [DOI] [PDF]
S. He, Y. Jiang, J. C. Conrad, and
G. Qin†, “Molecular
simulation of natural gas transport and storage in
shale rocks with heterogeneous nano-pore
structures.” J. Petrol. Sci. Eng.133,
(2015). [DOI] [PDF]
J. Kim, M. Adhikari, S. Dhamane,
A. E. V. Hagström, K. Kourentzi, U. Strych,
R. C. Willson†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Detection of
viruses by counting single fluorescent genetically
biotinylated reporter immunophage using a lateral flow
assay.” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces7,
(2015). [DOI] [PDF]
S. Sharma and
J. C. Conrad†, “Attachment
from flow of E. coli bacteria onto silanized glass
substrates.” Langmuir30,
(2014). [DOI] [PDF]
F. Babaye
Khorasani, R. Poling-Skutvik,
R. Krishnamoorti†, and
J. C. Conrad†, “Mobility of
nanoparticles in semidilute polyelectrolyte
solutions.” Macromolecules47,
(2014). [DOI]
R. Pandey, M. Spannuth,
and J. C. Conrad†, “Confocal
imaging of confined quiescent and flowing
colloid-polymer mixtures.” J.
Vis. Exp. e51461
(2014). [DOI]
K. He, S. T. Retterer, B. R. Srijanto,
J. C. Conrad†, and
R. Krishnamoorti†, “Transport
and dispersion of nanoparticles in periodic nanopost
arrays.” ACS
Nano8, 4221–4227
(2014). [DOI]
R. Pandey and J. C. Conrad†, “Dynamics of
confined depletion mixtures of polymers and bidispersed colloids.” Soft
Matter9, 10617–10626
(2013). [DOI]
Invited contribution to “Soft Matter
Under Confinement” special
issue. [Editorial: DOI]
K. He, F. Babaye Khorasani, S. T. Retterer,
D. K. Thomas, J. C. Conrad†, and R. Krishnamoorti†,
“Diffusive dynamics of nanoparticles in arrays
of nanoposts.” ACS
Nano7, 5122–5130
S. P. George, H. Chen, J. C. Conrad, and S. Khurana†,
“Regulation of directional cell migration by
membrane-induced actin bundling.” J. Cell
Sci.126, 312–326 (2013).
M. Spannuth and J. C. Conrad†, “Dynamics of
confined colloid-polymer mixtures.” AIP
Conf. Proc. 1518,
351–356 (2013).
J. C. Conrad, “Physics of bacterial
near-surface motility using flagella and type IV
pili: implications for biofilm
formation.” Res. Microbiol.163,
(2012). [DOI] [PDF]
Invited contribution to “Microbial
Devices for Cell–Cell and Cell–Surface
Interactions” special
issue. [Editorial: DOI]
K. He, M. Spannuth, J. C. Conrad†, and
R. Krishnamoorti†, “Diffusive dynamics of
nanoparticles in aqueous dispersions.” Soft
Matter8, 11933–11938
(2012). [DOI] [PDF]
R. Pandey and J. C. Conrad†, “Effects of
attraction strength on microchannel flow of
colloid-polymer depletion mixtures.” Soft
Matter8, 10695–10703
(2012). [DOI] [PDF]
Invited contribution to “Soft Matter Principles of
Microfluidics“ themed
issue. [Editorial: DOI]
M. Spannuth and J. C. Conrad†,
“Confinement-induced solidification of
colloid-polymer depletion
mixtures.” Phys. Rev. Lett.109, 028301
(2012). [DOI] [PDF]
J. C. Conrad, “Quantifying collective behavior
in mammalian cells.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA109, 7591–7592
(2012). [DOI] [PDF]
Invited commentary on an article
by Sun, Lembong, Normand, Rogers, and Stone.
R. F. Shepherd, J. C. Conrad, T. Sabuwala,
G. G. Gioia, and J. A. Lewis†, “Structural evolution of
cuboidal granular media.” Soft Matter8, 4795–4801
(2012). [DOI] [PDF]
F. Jin*, J. C. Conrad*, M. L. Gibiansky, and
G. C. L. Wong†, “Bacteria use type-IV pili to
slingshot on
surfaces.” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA108,
12617–12622 (2011). (* indicates equal
J. C. Conrad*, M. L. Gibiansky*, F. Jin,
V. D. Gordon, D. A. Motto, M. A. Mathewson,
W. G. Stopka, D. C. Zelasko, J. D. Shrout, and
G. C. L. Wong†, “Flagella and pili-mediated
near-surface single-cell motility mechanisms
in P. aeruginosa.” Biophys. J.100, 1608–1616
(2011). (* indicates equal contribution.)
J. C. Conrad, S. R. Ferreira, J. Yoshikawa,
R. F. Shepherd, B. Y. Ahn, and J. A. Lewis†,
“Designing colloidal suspensions for directed
materials assembly.” Curr. Opin. Colloid
Interface Sci., 16, 71–79 (2011).
M. L. Gibiansky*, J. C.
Conrad*, F. Jin, V. D. Gordon, D. A. Motto,
M. A. Mathewson, W. G. Stopka, D. C. Zelasko,
J. D. Shrout, and G. C. L. Wong†, “Bacteria use type
IV pili to walk upright and detach from surfaces.” Science330, 197
(2010). (* indicates equal contribution.)
J. C.
Conrad† and J. A. Lewis, “Structural evolution of
colloidal gels during constricted microchannel flow.” Langmuir26, 6102–6107
(2010). [DOI]
J. C. Conrad, H. M. Wyss, S. Manley,
V. Trappe, K. Miyazaki, L. J. Kaufman,
A. B. Schofield, D. R. Reichman, and D. A. Weitz†,
“Arrested fluid-fluid phase separation in depletion
systems: implications of the characteristic length
on gel formation and rheology.” J. Rheol.,
54, 412–438
(2010). [DOI]
D. J. Harris, J. C. Conrad, and
J. A. Lewis†, “Evaporative lithographic patterning of
binary colloidal films.” Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A.367,
5157–5165 (2009).
Featured as Editor’s
Choice, Science326, 1322 (December 4,
2009). [PDF]
J. C. Conrad and J. A. Lewis†,
“Structure of colloidal gels during
microchannel flow.” Langmuir24, 7628–7635
(2008). [DOI]
D. J. Harris, H. Hu, J. C. Conrad, and
J. A. Lewis†, “Patterning colloidal films via
evaporative lithography.” Phys.
Rev. Lett.98, 148301
(2007). [DOI] [PDF]
Featured in
Perspectives, Science325, 159 (July 10,
2009). [DOI]
J. C. Conrad, P. P. Dhillon,
E. R. Weeks, D. R. Reichman, and D. A. Weitz†,
“Contribution of slow clusters to the bulk elasticity near the colloidal glass transition.” Phys. Rev. Lett.97,
(2006). [DOI]
R. F. Shepherd, J. C. Conrad,
S. K. Rhodes, D. R. Link, M. Marquez, D. A. Weitz,
and J. A. Lewis†, “Microfluidic assembly of
homogeneous and Janus colloid-filled hydrogel
granules.” Langmuir22,
8618–8622 (2006). [DOI]
P. J. Lu, J. C. Conrad, H. M. Wyss,
A. B. Schofield, and D. A. Weitz†, “Fluid of
clusters in attractive colloids.” Phys.
Rev. Lett.96, 028306
(2006). [DOI]
S. Manley, H. M. Wyss, K. Miyazaki,
J. C. Conrad, V. Trappe, L. J. Kaufman,
D. R. Reichman, and D. A. Weitz†, “Dynamic
arrest in spinodal decomposition as a route to
gelation.” Phys.
Rev. Lett.95, 238302
(2005). [DOI]
Featured in Srikanth Sastry’s Journal Club, Nature441, 671 (June 8,
2006). [DOI]
J. C. Conrad, F. W. Starr, and
D. A. Weitz†, “Weak correlations between local
density and dynamics in liquids near the glass
transition.” J.
Phys. Chem. B109,
(2005). [DOI]